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Creating a lot of buzz

Creating a lot of buzz

Christopher Arndt |

Our last newsletter created a lot of buzz.

To recap, I shared why I hadn't written a newsletter in a while due to discouragement, rebellion, and busyness.

The response was overwhelming. People responded in two different ways:

1) Wrote a personal note of encouragement, or

2) Placed a postcard order.

You are doing great!

Three takeaways from the replies:

"You are doing great!"
What an encouragement. I was reminded we all face challenges from time to time and to continue pressing on.

"Postage is getting expensive."
Many people have had to cut back on the number of postcards they send due to the rising cost of postage and living expenses. Yet most still consider sending postcards a relatively "affordable" hobby.

"Our customers are the best!"
We have the best customers in the world Caring, kind, generous, and encouraging. My heart is filled with gratitude and I am so thankful for each one of you.

Thank you for your words of encouragement and acts of kindness.

1 minute read