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World Postcard Day 2023 Postcard Now Available

World Postcard Day 2023 Postcard Now Available

Christopher Arndt |

Hip-hip hooray! The 2023 World Postcard Day postcard is here!

This limited-edition postcard is available in two sizes: 4"x6" (regular) and 4"x9" (panorama).

World Postcard Day 2023 panorama postcard

Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback for this year's design. It was great to receive your input.

Moving truck

Many of you have written asking how our move is coming along.

We had a contract, but the buyers got cold feet. We are currently under another contract and now going through the standard "inspection/appraisal" phase.

We are still looking for a small hobby farm in Kentucky or Tennessee and have made several trips to look at homes. Unfortunately, we're not finding anything we like, so the search continues.

Thanks again for asking!