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Solar Eclipse Postcard Follow-Up

Solar Eclipse Postcard Follow-Up

Christopher Arndt |

A quick follow-up to last week's newsletter announcing the Total Solar Eclipse 2024 postcards.

We are so thankful for all the interest shown, right up there with our two best-sellers: World Postcard Day and Lunar New Year.

I totally underestimated the popularity of the solar eclipse and was caught sleeping at the wheel.

Image showing impatience

The postcards have been so popular that we needed to reprint a second time.

Many of you are still waiting for your order to ship—and we appreciate your patience.

The good news: the postcards shipped from the printer yesterday and are scheduled to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday). We'll begin shipping orders as quickly as we can.

Cicada Invasion

In the meantime, we are feverishly creating a series of postcards for the upcoming "Cicada Invasion of 2024".

Here's a sneak peak at two postcard prototypes:

Cicada Uprising Newspaper
Silence is Golden

We are trying something new this year and developing a series of postcards around the event, giving you more postcards to choose from. More updates to follow. Stay tuned!

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