Have you ever wondered what our postcard warehouse looks like?
In today's newsletter, we're going to take you behind-the-scenes to tour our warehouse operations.
As a home-based business, our warehouse doesn't look anything like the photo shown above.
Without a basement, extra bedroom, or an all-seasons garage, we had to get creative on how to store over 3,000+ postcards—plus find a way to easily process your orders.

While it may look like we're raising bees, these 12 custom-built cedar boxes encompass our entire warehousing operation.
Yes, seriously.
(A special shoutout to my Dad for building all 12 of them! Thanks, Dad!)

These stackable boxes are divided into 3 sections, and each section can be sub-divided further to provide us with great flexibility with fluctuating inventory levels. (We try to keep about 24 +/- of each postcard in stock at any one time.)

We typically fulfill orders on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When we do, we set up some folding tables in our family room and spread out all the boxes across the tables:

As each order is fulfilled, it then heads on over to our shipping department:

Yup, that's me in the shipping department, which also serves as the accounting office, design studio, marketing department, web design agency, etc. :-)
So while our "warehouse" may be small, our hearts are grateful for the ability to run this little postcard business out of our home. All of which is only possible because of you.
Thank you!