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The Making of a Train Postcard

The Making of a Train Postcard

Christopher Arndt |

We know many of you enjoy it when we go behind-the-scenes. So in this week's newsletter, we thought we'd show you how we created one of the new train postcards announced in our last newsletter—the new Union Pacific Railroad postcard.

Here is the original image:

Union Pacific engine

A nice image for sure, but nothing that says "wow, that's a dazzling postcard!"

We need to add something of interest. Let's see, what goes well with a train? Oh, how about some grain silos:

Train siding silos

Yes, that will work nicely. But we want the Union Pacific train instead. No worries, let's just remove the sky from the Union Pacific image...

Cutout of Union Pacific engines

...and add it to the grain silo image, then remove the bland sky behind the silos:

Union Pacific engines combined with silos

Ooh, this is getting interesting. Let's give our new image a little more pizzazz. When in doubt, just add mountains!

Adding mountains

Whoa! Now isn't that something?

Just one more thing needs our attention—the uninteresting foreground. Adding some wildflowers and shrubbery should do the trick:

Adding wildflowers

Well, would you look at that!

All that's left is to add our famous "photo-painting" to enhance the image, apply our signature black frame, and add some description text—and walla, we have a dazzling postcard!

Union Pacific Railroad postcard

Now, not all our postcards go through such a custom transformation, but many do have some enhancement added or distracting elements removed.

Pretty cool, huh? Well, we hope you enjoyed this little behind-the-scenes tour.

View our train postcards